The 4th Winter Course on Pain and Intracellular Signaling will be held from July 22 to 26, 2019 at the Butantan Institute.
Held by Special Pain and Signaling Laboratory and by the Centre of Excellence in New Targets Discovery, the course is targeted to undergraduate and newly graduated students in the health area. With 40 hours duration, it will address the topics of pain and analgesia.
Topics include: "epidemiology and relevance of the study of pain", "anatomy of nociceptive pathways", "receptors and channels involved with nociception and analgesia", "chemical mediation of acute and chronic pain", "intracellular signaling pathways involved in pain "and" use of poisons for the study and search for new molecules for the treatment of pain. "
Twenty vacancies will be offered, and the registration will be fully completed by sending a short resume (1 page, 12 pt.) and a letter explaining the interest in participating in the course (1 page, 12 pt.). It should be sent until June 3rd to: Cost: 110,00 reais
The approval list will be announced on June 7 and those selected should confirm their participation by June 11.
The course is supported by the Teaching Centre of the Butantan Institute and the “Centro de Difusão” from CENTD.
More information: and (11) 2627-9538 / 9548
Dr. Mirta Schattner is a Biologist from the School of Biological Sciences, Center for Advanced Studies in Exact Sciences (CAECE) and obtained her PhD in the Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, University of Buenos Aires (UBA).
Her background is on platelet biology and megakaryocytes. Dr. Schattner was a fellow of INSERM and Wellcome Research Laboratories, at the Pasteur Institute, France (1986-1988); an Associate Researcher at Northwestern University, USA (1994-1997) and she was a visiting professor at Butantan Institute, Brazil, supported by FAPESP (2002-2003).
Since 1998, she has led the Experimental Thrombosis Laboratory, the National Academy of Medicine (ANM) and since 2011 she has been the Director of the Institute of Experimental Medicine, CONICET-ANM and Senior Researcher at CONICET.
Mirta is a regular Associate Professor of the Department of Biological Chemistry at the Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences, University of Buenos Aires and has published more than 100 papers in international journals related to hemostasis and thrombosis. Dr. Schattner was President and member of the Scientific Committee of the Argentine Haemostasis and Thrombosis group.
She collaborates with research groups inside and outside Argentina, studying the pathophysiology of megakaryocytic lineage with particular interesting in thrombosis and inflammation.
The course will be given in English.
150 peoples.
Course Schedule:
May 21
Morning - from 09h30 to 12h30
O Que são alvos moleculares? Como eles são determinados?
Inflamação aguda: células e mediadores solúveis.
Evening - from 14h00 to 17h00
Vias de sinalização envolvidas na resposta inflamatória aguda (COX, NFKB, AP1, NOsintases, TLRs, MAPK, inflamassoma).
Anti-inflamatórios atuais e novas drogas em potencial.
May 22
Morning - from 09h30 to 12h30
Sepse e Coagulação Intravascular Disseminada: Fisiopatologia.
Evening - from 14h00 to 17h00
Armadilhas extracelulares de neutrófilos e monócitos (NETS) e receptores de tirosina quinase (RTKs). São estes os novos alvos terapêuticos para a sepse?
May 23
Morning - from 09h30 to 12h30
Inflamação crônica: células e mediadores solúveis.
Vias de sinalização envolvidas na resposta inflamatória.
Evening - from 14h00 to 17h00
Aterosclerose: Fisiopatologia, tratamento atual. Novas perspectivas.
Data: 21/05/19 à 23/05/19
Horário: 09h30 às 17h00
Local: Auditório do Museu Biológico - Instituto Butantan
- Epidemiology and relevance of the study of pain;
- Anatomy of the pain pathways;
- Chemical mediation of acute and chronic pain;
- Receptors and channels involved in pain and analgesia;
- Laboratory techniques used in the study of pain;
- Intracellular signaling pathways involved in pain;
- Pharmacology of pain;
- Use of toxins as tools for the study of pain and the development of new drugs.
Investment: R$ 60,00
Date: 23/07/18 à 27/07/18
Time: 08h30 to 17h30
Sign up to: 06/11/2018
Local: Butantan Institute
Registration Closed
The R language, along with Python, has been outstanding in the scientific area, mainly in Bioinformatics. It was created with the intention of being the computational language for statistics and biostatistics. Easy to learn, a novice user can, in a short time, learn to control files, generate statistics and graphics of the highest quality. This course is aimed at all those interested in data processing and generation of statistics, both biological and exact. What is important is the interest in biological problems and their quantitative interpretation, using computational tools. Therefore, this will be a practical course of direct application with the use of a computer (hands on).
There will be twelve classes, the first six being dedicated to R language and the rest to initial concepts and practice of biostatistics. At the end of the first week there will be a double work (40% of the grade) and at the end of the course an individual test (60% of the grade). Students who score 6 (60%) or above, will be approved and will receive a certificate of completion.
There are no prerequisites. Every student has to bring their laptop with Windows, Mac OS or Linux and the ID badge of the Foundation or the Institute for attendance registration. You will need to pre-install R and R-Studio (instructions will be sent to subscribers).
Date: 03/19/18 à 04/04/18
Time: 15h to 17h
Local: Sala de Seminários do Laboratório de Bacteriologia II / Butantan Institute
Registration Closed
Access the CENTD Informa n. 07
This is an initiative of the Directorate of Innovation, which aims to disseminate this culture in the Institute, seeking to develop people prepared to suggest improvements and innovations, coupled with a set of new visions, procedures and resources that will certainly enhance institutional growth. Access the Information
Click here and learn more about this initiative, through an interview with the Director of Innovation, Ana Marisa Chudzinsk Tavassi.
The MBA Management of Innovation in Health team has prepared the new course and is also
coordinating this organization.
The course is semi-presential (blended learning) and structured for the theoretical and practical development of professionals, so that they can follow and manage the stages of the innovation process in health.
The face-to-face classes are weekly, held on Mondays and Wednesdays from 5:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. and have faculty and experienced lecturers, who adopt successful innovation management tools and practices, and provide participants with executive learning experiences that bring together high level academic content, taught by teachers and researchers, and practical skills, reported by market professionals.
The distance learning activities are carried out through the Internet, through the Butantan Online Platform, and also developed by the MBA team. It is a virtual learning environment that enables the student to perform their activities at the most appropriate times, according to their routine.
The objective of the course is to prepare managers who seek to structure innovation in the institution and at the same time, to spread this culture in Butantan.
The R language, along with Python, has been outstanding in the scientific area, mainly in Bioinformatics. It was created as a computational language for statistics and biostatistics. Easy to learn, a beginner can, in a short time, learn to control files, generate statistics and graphics of high quality. This course is aimed at all those interested in data processing and generation of statistics, both from biological and exact areas. What is important is the interest in biological problems and their quantitative interpretation, using computational tools. Therefore, this will be a practical course of direct application with the use of a computer (hands-on).
Data: 04/24/17 to 05/04/17 (except 05/01/17, holiday)
Time: 15h to 19h
Local: Centro de Difusão Científica (CDC)
Registration Closed
Access to CENTD Informa