What we do

The goal of CENTD is to identify molecular targets and signaling pathways involved in inflammatory-based diseases such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, and neurodegenerative diseases.

Poisons, toxins, molecules isolated from various animal secretions as well as their peptide derivatives are used for the identification of these molecular targets. The discovery of new targets and their validation can pave the way for the development of new drugs.

CENTD is already developing integrative research, with the collaboration of several scientists. There are six main lines of research that unfold in others, involving about 35 researchers.

High performance equipment was purchased for high impact experiments, revealing critical cellular phenomena for the identification of structures responsible for different phenotypes.

Among them is the High-Content Screening (HCS) equipment, which in addition to enabling screening of molecules of interest rapidly, evaluates phenotypes in pre-defined models in a multiparametric way. It is possible, for example, to check how cells migrate - crucial information for the treatment of cancer.

The pharmaceutical industry can use the information generated through this research for development and production of new drugs.

It is intended to stimulate the advance of basic and applied research, with high technology equipment and bioinformatics.